Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another Day -

A pretty exhausting day, emotionally, interacting with family and a funeral - finished up with a massive grading backlog. Oh, how I wish I taught a class that could use scantron tests for evaluation, rather than essays - and more essays - and more essays! But despite the circumstances it was great to see family, especially my daughter who made it down for two days.

Being the student rather than the teacher is a switch - and kind of fun - although I'm surprised at how easily I revert to the student mindset. It helps me to understand how easy it is for my students to put assignments off to the last minute, then rush to try to get things finished. But although I can understand how easy it is to procrastinate, I can also see how important it is to stay pretty firm about deadlines. Exceptions could really make things spiral out of control quickly! So, like my parents used to say when I was a kid, it's really for their own good - although I doubt they'd believe that!

Just to keep touch with the ultimate goal of this blog, here's a fuzzy picture of me making lace -

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